There are times for all of us when something happens to change the direction of our life. A death, a birth, a marriage, a commitment, a separation, or even the transition from childhood into the adult world. These times can be difficult, wonderful, heart-rending or uplifting. Whatever the feelings, they are important moments and to mark them with a special ceremony is a way of giving outward expression to our feelings while also helping to open a pathway that can take us through the transition. The anthropologist Arnold van Gennep called these ceremonies the Rites of Passage and they appear, in different shape and form, in all cultures across the world. Not all places, though, are fortunate enough to have the freedom we have in Australia to create personalised ceremonies and rituals that reflect the individual beliefs, experience and personalities of the people involved. For some, this means very simple and straightforward ceremonies, while for others it can be very complex and multi-layered.
As a celebrant, I consider it a great privilege to be able to help people design and develop ceremonies that are just right for them. I first applied to become a marriage celebrant in the early 90s but no more were being appointed at that time in the North East of Victoria (near Wangaratta). I began work as a funeral celebrant in 2000 and also for namings and home christenings. When the legislation changed to allow for more marriage celebrants to be appointed, I undertook and completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Ceremonies through Monash University, and was subsequently appointed as a marriage celebrant in 2008. It had been a long wait, but a worthwhile one. I love this work, and it is wonderful to be able to share these special moments with people.
Areas Covered: Wangaratta, Beechworth, Myrtleford, Benalla, Yarrawonga, Mulwala, Stanley, Yackandandah, Bright, Chiltern, Milawa, Oxley, Peechelba, High Country, North East Victoria. Will travel to other areas at additional cost.